Thinking to open a clinic? These are some things that you need to think about before opening your clinic such as location, registration process, plan layout, license, drugs, staff, medical machine, and of course marketing because people will not know about your clinic without marketing.
- Location
Location is very important because a good location can make your target audience realize about your business. You also need to consider the advantages and disadvantages if you choose the location and the competitor you have there.
- Registration process
Minister of Health and Malaysia Medical Council is really important in this registration process. If you do not know how to register your clinic, pretty sure they will help you just call or go to their office to understand better about who you need to refer to.
- Plan Layout

Plan layout for a clinic is very important so you must plan it properly also asked for firefighter staff that have knowledge about the plan layout because
You can ask firefighter for advice to check your plan layout for your clinic because they will check your layout one day to make sure your layout plan is safe if there are any emergencies.
- License
License is very important especially for the doctor because that is proof that you are the real doctor. Make sure your staff which is the doctor is not expired when they are your staff. Other than that, your clinic also needs a license because if not people can sue your clinic because not have a proper license.
- Drugs
You can find on the internet the drug supplier near you to make it easier for you to deal with. Minister of Health also will help you if you did not have any idea but pretty sure if you are one of the people who involve in this health field, you will have many connections and it will make you easy to buy the drugs. You also can ask for a pharmacist in your area if they want to be your supplier.
- Staff
You must look for staff that has knowledge in pharmacists, health, and related stuff because it will make you easier to give the instruction. This also prevents the staff to give the wrong treatment to the patient. For doctor, pretty sure you know that you need a doctor who has a license not only knowledge because the doctor’s license is very important to prove that he/she is a real doctor.
- Medical Technology and X-ray stuff
Medical stuff like technology is really important for your clinic like an x-ray machine, blood pressure machine, thermometer, and so on. If you do not buy the stuff yet, you might want to get the best omron product Malaysia. Many clinics and hospitals use the product and most of them give positive feedback for the best factory automation Malaysia.
- Marketing
Marketing is really important for your clinic and actually, it is very important in business. Without marketing, it is quite hard for you to market your business. There is offline and online marketing style so use any or both to market your clinic. You also can give a discount to your customer for the grand opening.